The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Advisory Group is a way for key stakeholders to contribute to Australia’s labour mobility programs.
The group is made up of employer representatives, industry peak bodies, Pacific diaspora, Pacific governments, unions, community organisations and the Australian Government.
It will help strengthen government, private sector and non-government partnerships in the delivery of Pacific labour mobility.
The PALM Advisory Group will:
- contribute to strategic, policy and program settings that impact on Pacific labour initiatives
- identify and assist in the resolution of issues that impede positive outcomes for workers, employers, and Pacific countries
- share information and ideas about program improvements and best practice, including the future direction of Pacific-Australia labour mobility.
A consultative approach to labour mobility
The PALM Advisory Group will be one of several consultative mechanisms for Pacific labour mobility in Australia.
Sector-specific committees such as the PALM Agriculture Committee, the PALM Meat Processing Committee and the PALM Care Committee will engage at the operational level and report to the PALM Advisory Group.
Alongside these committees, thematic working groups will be established as needed and will also report to the PALM Advisory Group. These will help facilitate an overarching understanding of issues and opportunities in the broader Pacific labour agenda.