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Anthon Wasang


The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme allows eligible workers from 9 participating Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste to take up jobs in Australia.

The scheme provides workers with opportunities to gain valuable skills and experience while they are in Australia, and income to send back to their communities.



Strawberry picker

Who can apply to join the PALM scheme as a worker?

The labour sending unit (LSU) of each participating country will ensure only eligible candidates are put forward to PALM scheme employers for their consideration.

To be eligible, workers must meet the following criteria:

  • hold or obtain a valid passport for the duration of the contract or be able to obtain one
  • be physically fit and healthy for the work specified 
  • have no criminal record (workers who have lived in a foreign country for 12 months or more after the age of 16, or worked on a foreign ship for 12 months or more, require a police check from that country)
  • be of good character 
  • have the right qualifications and/or work experience required by employers 
  • demonstrate a positive attitude to work and a willingness to learn and commit to the employer’s values 
  • have an intention to return to their participating country
  • be over 21 years of age
  • have a reasonable standard of English (for longer-term workers only).

How to apply for the PALM scheme in your country

Citizens of Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste who want to participate in the PALM scheme should contact the relevant government LSU in their country.

Find contact details for each country’s LSU.

You do not need to pay or give gifts to anyone to join the PALM scheme. If you have been offered a job in the PALM scheme, your employer will pay for your flights and some other costs up front so you can travel to Australia. You will need to gradually repay your employer for these costs once you start earning a wage.

Workers’ rights and support in Australia

All Pacific and Timor-Leste workers participating in the PALM scheme are protected by the same workplace rights and laws as Australian workers.

There are provisions in place to ensure that workers have the same protections as Australian workers. There are a range of resources available to help workers adjust to life in their new communities.

Learn more about how workers are supported in Australia.

Living and working in Australia

Adjusting to life in another country can be difficult but support and resources are available to PALM scheme workers to help them settle into their new communities.

Workers can find advice and support on the PALM scheme Facebook page, PALM scheme LinkedIn page or join in with social activities and sporting events in their local communities.