The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme is open to 9 participating Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste.
Labour mobility is central to Australia’s engagement with the Pacific and Timor-Leste. It provides opportunities for Pacific and Timorese workers to develop skills, earn income and send money home to support their families and communities and the economic growth of their countries.
Pacific labour mobility fosters links between people, businesses and communities, creating deeper connections between Australia and our Pacific family.

Prioritising support for workers
The wellbeing of workers while they are in Australia is a top priority for the Australian Government and all 10 participating PALM scheme countries.
All Pacific island and Timorese citizens employed in Australia through the PALM scheme are protected by the same workplace rights and health and safety laws as Australian workers.
Learn more about how workers are supported through the PALM scheme.
More information about the PALM scheme countries
Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste are culturally diverse, and their workers have unique attributes that make them well suited to different kinds of employment in Australia.
Employers can access country information below. Citizens of participating countries can also find contacts for their labour sending units or visit the 'how to apply' page for workers.