How to get advice and information

If you have an emergency, you should call 000 straight away.
If you have questions about your work conditions, job and pay, you can ask your employer. You can also ask them about your accommodation, your local community and adjusting to life in Australia.
If your employer cannot answer your questions, you can call the PALM scheme support service line on (1800 51 51 31), or email ( Please note the support service line and email inbox are monitored 8.30 am-6.30 pm AEDT - calls after hours should be for critical incidents only.
Country liaison officers (CLOs) and labour attachés are people appointed by Pacific and Timor-Leste governments to support workers in Australia. You can find all current contact details on the website contact page.
The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) should be contacted if you have questions about employment conditions, pay rates or entitlements. The FWO can also be contacted if you have concerns about your pay or employment conditions in Australia. The FWO information line is (13 13 94), or call (13 14 50) if you need an interpreter.