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This document contains information to support Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme employers, workers and other stakeholders impacted by Ex-cyclone Alfred. 

This factsheet provides information for Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme employers on the requirements for tax invoices provided to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) for travel and skill cost claims.

This document provides PALM scheme stakeholders with more information on the aged care expansion program.  

This document provides PALM scheme stakeholders with more information on the early childhood education and care pilot.  

This guide contains information to help Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme workers better understand their offer of employment. It will also be translated into all PALM scheme partner country languages – these will be available here…

This document contains information to support Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme employers, workers and other stakeholders impacted by the 17 December earthquake in Vanuatu.

This document provides guidance for Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme employers when reporting a critical incident.

This factsheet provides information for PALM scheme employers intending to recruit PALM scheme workers in an eligible industry that they have not previously recruited workers in. 

This factsheet provides information for Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme employers on the practical application of standdown settings in the PALM scheme deed and guidelines. 

This factsheet provides PALM scheme workers with more information on the Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) online application.

This factsheet is designed to support Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme employers to meet their pay parity obligations outlined in the PALM scheme Approved Employer Guidelines. 

In managing the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and PALM scheme implementing partners expect to be able to engage with all…

This document provides PALM scheme workers with more information on the family accompaniment pilot. 

This poster has been created to support PALM scheme workers with the current minimum hours settings. 

Some Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme workers are incurring large debts after providing personal information and bank details to access cash. 

This information has been developed for workers and employers with advice and…