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What is labour market testing?

  • Labour market testing is an important part of the recruitment process. It ensures Australian jobseekers are given the opportunity to take up jobs before they are offered to workers under the PALM scheme.
  • Under the PALM scheme, employers must submit evidence of labour market testing for each recruitment application.

What is a welfare and wellbeing plan?

  • The welfare and wellbeing plan outlines arrangements PALM scheme employers will put in place to ensure the welfare and wellbeing of workers they employ.
  • The welfare and wellbeing plan template is provided to approved employers and sets out criteria contained in the employer guidelines.
  • This includes the steps that will be taken to ensure workers:
    • feel comfortable raising concerns or complaints
    • know where and how to access emergency and non-emergenc

What is the timeline from submitting a recruitment application to mobilisation?

  • It takes a minimum of 8 weeks to mobilise workers from when a recruitment application is submitted and approved (provided all documentation is ‘decision ready’ at the time of submission).
  • In the first few weeks after submitting a recruitment application, approved employers discuss their labour needs with relevant Pacific and Timor-Leste government labour sending units (LSUs).
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